Scoil Naomh Fiachra

Administration of Medicines Policy

This policy is formulated in accordance with guidelines issued by the (Primary Schools’ Managerial Bodies) and the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation.


While the Board of Management has a duty to safeguard the health and safety of pupils when they are engaged in authorised school activities, this does not imply a duty upon teachers to personally undertake the administration of medication.

The Board of Management requests parents to ensure that staff members are made aware in writing of any medical condition suffered by their child. This information should be provided at enrolment or at the development of any medical conditions at a later date.

Medication in this policy refers to medicines, tablets and sprays administered by mouth only.

Policy Content

Procedure to be followed by parents who require the administration of medication for their children

The parent/guardian should write to the Board of Management requesting the Board to authorise a staff member to administer the medication or to monitor self-administration of the medication.

Parents are required to provide written instructions of the procedure to be followed in the administration and storing of the medication. (see Appendix 1)

Parents are responsible for ensuring that the medication is delivered to the school and handed over to a responsible adult and for ensuring that an adequate supply is available.

Parents are further required to indemnify the Board and authorised members of staff in respect of any liability that may arise regarding the administration of prescribed medicines in school. The Board will inform the school’s insurers accordingly.

Changes in prescribed medication (or dosage) should be notified immediately to the school with clear written instructions of the procedure to be followed in storing and administering the new medication.

Where children are suffering from life threatening conditions, parents should outline clearly in writing, what should and what should not be done in a particular emergency situation, with particular reference to what may be a risk to the child.

Parents are required to provide a telephone number where they may be contacted in the event of an emergency arising.

Procedures to be followed by the Board of Management

The Board, having considered the matter, may authorise a staff member to administer medication to a pupil or to monitor the self-administration by a pupil.

The Board will ensure that the authorised person is properly instructed in how to administer the medicine.

The Board shall seek an indemnity from parents in respect of liability that may arise regarding the administration of the medicine.

The Board shall inform the school insurers accordingly.

The Board shall make arrangements for the safe storage of medication and procedures for the administration of medication in the event of the authorised staff member’s absence.

Responsibilities of Staff Members

No staff member can be required to administer medication to a pupil.

Any staff member who is willing to administer medicines should do so under strictly controlled guidelines in the belief that the administration is safe.

Written instructions on the administration of the medication must be provided.

Medication must not be administered without the specific authorisation of the Board of Management.

In administering medication to pupils, staff members will exercise the standard of care of a reasonable and prudent parent.

A written record of the date and time of administration will be kept. (Appendix 2).

In emergency situations, staff should do no more that is obviously necessary and appropriate to relieve extreme distress or prevent further and otherwise irreparable harm. Qualified medical treatment should be secured in emergencies at the earliest opportunity.

Parents should be contacted should any questions or emergencies arise.

Appendix 1 – Form 1
Administration of Medication to Students

Request to Board of Management of Scoil Naomh Fiachra

I / We, the parents / guardians of ……………………………………………………….. ask the Board of Management of Scoil Naomh Fiachra to allow a member of staff to give medication to my child ………………………………………………….
I enclose a letter from Dr. ………………………………………………. stating:
(a) Why the medication is needed;
(b) Name of medication;
(c) Time the medication should be administered;
(d) Dosage to be administered.
Should there be any change in medication, I/we will write to the Board of Management before this change takes place to notify them of same.
I /We understand that the school’s insurers will be notified of this arrangement.
I/We indemnify the Board of Management in respect of any liability that may arise regarding the administration of the medication.

Signed: …………………………………………… Parent / Guardian

Date: ……………………………………….

Signed: ……………………………………………. Parent / Guardian

Date: ………………………………………..


Appendix 1 – Form 2
Administration of Medication to Students

Scoil Naomh Fiachra,
Co. Kilkenny.
Roll No. 16865D.


Dear Doctor,

The Board of Management of Scoil Naomh Fiachra requests that the information required below be provided relating to medication which is administered to students during school hours.

The parents /guardians of ……………………………………………………… have been asked to return the information to the school and to advise of any changes to this regime in the future.

Many thanks for your co-operation in this matter.

Yours Sincerely,




Appendix 1 – Form 3
Administration of Medication to Students

Name of Student: ………………………………………………………………

Name of Medication: ………………………………………………………………

Why is this medication required:


Time medication should be administered:


Dosage to be administered:


Additional Information (e.g. to be taken after meals, etc.)


Signed: ……………………………………………………………………

Date: ………………………………………………………………………..


Appendix 1 – Letter to Parents

Scoil Naomh Fiachra,
Co. Kilkenny.
Roll No. 16865D.


Dear Parents / Guardians,

As the number of students receiving medication during school hours has increased, we have had to revise our policy and protocol for the administration of medication.

As you are aware, we do not have any trained medical personnel on staff. Our Special Needs Assistants and teachers have agreed to administer necessary medication to a number of students with the approval of the Board of Management. We are concerned that we have full details of how this should be done.

Please have your doctor complete the attached Form 1 to give us full details of the medication prescribed for your child. It is also necessary to complete Form 2 seeking permission to administer the medication in school.

It is important to note that:

Only medication to be inhaled or administered orally will be administered in school.

Any changes in instructions should be notified in writing to the school.

Parents are asked to ensure the safe delivery of medication to school staff directly. Please do not ask children to carry or deliver medication without discussing this with the principal.

It is the responsibility of the parents to ensure the continuing supply of medication.

Any medicines remaining at the end of the school year will be returned to parents.
If you have any queries in relation to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Yours Sincerely


Scoil Naomh Fiachra

Appendix 2 – Medication Chart Record
School Year 2013 – 2014

Medication Chart for __________________________________________



