This project had its origins in the National Centre for Technology in Education (NCTE) Schools Integration Project (SIP) in 1999. The Sschools Integration Project was one of a number of initiatives which were developed as part of IT 2000.
Initially there were four schools involved, though this number quickly increased. The initial four schools were selected to represent large urban, small urban, large rural and small rural.
The initial four schools were:
- St. Brigid’s NS, Castleknock, Dublin.
- St. Finian’s N.S., Co. Dublin.
- City Quay NS, Dublin.
- Scoil Naomh Fiachra, Co. Kilkenny.
Project Sponsors
At the outset there were quite a few sponsors and partner organisations. However, over the years, the involvement of most of these came to an end. St. Patrick’s College of Education in Dublin is still involved and hosts the annual Robo Show, where participating schools exhibit their work and meet to share ideas and skills.
Initial Sponsors
- Eircom.
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
- Media Lab Europe.
- St. Patrick’s College, Drumcondra.
- Lego Dacta, UK, Ltd.
- Dublin City University.
- Commotion Limited, Kent, England.